We are extremely excited to announce a new partnership with RedEye, which will allow our community to access industry-leading marketing automation tools.

RedEye’s marketing automation and customer data platform supports sports organisations to create captivating personalised messages for customers across multiple channels in minutes. This includes email marketing, SMS communications, push notifications, and more.

RedEye’s list of customers includes a wide variety of organisations, ranging from England Lacrosse in the sports industry, to the likes of Magnet Trade, East Midlands Railway, and Sky.

On average, their clients achieve a 38% increase in revenue within the first year of adoption, and our partnership is set to bring these significant benefits to the growing community of sports organisations that we work with.

"This partnership reflects our commitment to delivering the best solutions for our community with seamless, data-driven marketing capabilities that make a tangible impact,” said our COO, Jonny Turner.

“By connecting the Sport:80 Platform with RedEye, we’re enabling sports organisations to harness their data more effectively, creating richer experiences for their members."

The partnership will see us develop an integration between our two solutions, where data will be shared between the Sport:80 Platform and RedEye. This data can then be used by National Governing Bodies (NGBs) to create targeted marketing campaigns and audience segments to drive engagement.

The capabilities of the integration allow sports organisations to create automated, behaviour-triggered messaging (for example a member’s birthday, or when a person signs up for an event), deliver content tailored to individual member preferences or activities, and leverage advanced AI-driven insights to increase revenue and grow their sport.

Mark McGrath, Head of Product at RedEye, said: "I'm delighted we've created this new integration.

“Sport:80 customers can now get access to greater segmentation capabilities, AI-driven reporting analytics, and multichannel automation, enabling them to connect with their members in smarter, more personalised ways."

If you are interested in finding out more about the integration, visit RedEye’s dedicated landing page, or get in touch for more specific questions.

Alternatively, book a free demo to see the Sport:80 Platform in action and discover how we can help you.